Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Beach Bumming

Round Two of heading to the beach was much more uneventful.  Grant took me and the kids and then came back to camp to pick up Tom.  After dropping Tom off he headed to get an estimate on his car (around $4500…ughhh).  The wind was definitely brisk at the beach but the water was still warm.  Sophie practiced using her goggles.  I was so proud of her but she wanted them off after a few minutes.  Later when I asked her about them I figured out that she didn’t open her eyes.  Oh Sophie…
Max got more brave in the water.  Even when a wave knocked him down and tried to drown him he kept wanting to go deeper in the water.  It was nice to see him use his floaties a little and start to get used to them.  I can tell you in the week since we’ve been back he can now balance in a pool or float on his tummy in shallow water.
Max fell asleep again on the way home but Sophie did not.  Bobbie and I headed off to the casino for a little bit of gambling and Sophie hung out with her Dad and Grandpa.  I was not a big winner, but really milked my $30 and had some fun.  It was nice to get out and do something for a bit.  Max got up just before we got back so the timing worked out good.  Plus, we didn’t hit any deer with the loaner car, so that was extra nice.
It was another night of campfire and s’mores and we even decided to bust out the sparklers for Sophie.  She did pretty good except that Max wanted to keep running through the shower of sparks.  I thought the sparks coming toward her hand might bother her but she got into twirling her little stick. 
The kids really did a great job camping…I really think the motorhome made this trip so much easier than tent (or even pop-up) camping would have been.  At night we could turn on the air and really cool it down to get the kids to sleep and then plug in the monitor and go to Grant & Bobbie’s for some Bid 500.  Max took some time to fall asleep a couple of nights, but at least there was no crying.  We spent the evening packing most things up so that we could get up and go in the morning.
It was not this calm for very long; the umbrella had to come down after about 30 minutes.
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Swimming Sophie
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Sophie was a very big fan of her “dolphin friend” and Max loved floating in his raft surfing the waves.  He leaned so far back that I thought he was going to flip over sometimes.
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Sophie Lynn.
Campfire Goodies!!!
Even by avoiding most of the s’more, Sophie found out that they are plenty messy.  Notice the concentration to get that chocolate free from its marshmallow grip.
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Sparkling Sophie and Max demonstrating why maybe he’s just not quite ready for Sparklers just yet.
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Last Day Pictures

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