Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday…part 2

Well, it was great that I was on time with the first part of Sunday’s post…because the rest of the trip is being chronicled about a week later…  Better late than never!

So I blogged while the kids were cashed out in the camper.  By the time they got up, it was time for dinner and campfire – the latter Sophie was pretty excited about.  She was definitely looking forward to making s’mores (which she doesn’t really like to eat), roasting marshmallows (which she doesn’t really like to eat and doesn’t get close enough to roast them), and just sitting around the campfire (after the roasting was done, she was ready for bed).  The main thing is that she had fun.  :)

Max didn’t really enjoy the campfire too much, we had to spend a lot of time making sure he wasn’t running into the fire so he was getting cranky at being confined to his camp chair.  Since he has a hard time getting out of it, putting him in it means that he loses his freedom to run around until someone gets him out.

Dinner was sloppy joes and chips and Grant and Bobbie’s camper and after we ate, Sophie helped me gather twigs to make a teepee for our fire.  If the s’mores look especially huge it’s because they are.  Those monster marshmallows really give full coverage!

If this blog seems, disjointed, it’s because it is.  I’m trying to piece together the evening based on pictures and the memories they jog. 

My Cashed-Out Camper & Deer Hunting (a lot of the fur fell off on the drive home from the beach)
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Campsite, Campfire, Campers in Chairs

My cautious little camper roasting her giant marshmallow.  That’s Grant and Bobbie’s camper and car in the background.
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Mmmm…s’more.  I believe she ended up taking it apart to just eat the chocolate.

Before the anger…you can see it brewing. 

Camp Life

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